Jiang Yong: Drone Plant Protection Flies to a New Height in Rural Revitalization

On May 30th, in Tuanjie Village and Shanyaotou Village, Xiaopu Town, Jiangyong County, a special technology officer conducted flight prevention operations in citrus and grapefruit forests, providing on-site observation and training for large planting households on plant protection drone operations, promoting the application of new plant protection equipment, and injecting technological strength into rural revitalization.

At the demonstration site, accompanied by the sound of rotating rotors, the drone rose into the air under the control of the staff. The huge airflow under the rotors pushed the pesticide mist evenly to disperse, penetrating the tree canopy, and spraying evenly and efficiently on each tree.

Technology envoy Ouyang Zhiyong stated that compared to traditional manual plant protection, plant protection drones have higher accuracy and penetration of pesticide spraying. Each machine can control 500 to 1000 acres of rice or 200 to 300 acres of fruit trees every day. The operation is simple and safe, and farmers can complete manual work such as sowing, fertilizing, and spraying with just one finger, greatly reducing farmers’ planting costs and improving work efficiency.

Wu Liuping, a major planter in Lanxi Yao Township, told me that he has planted 110 acres of summer oranges and fertile oranges, making him the second batch of farmers in Jiangyong County to apply plant protection drones.

In recent years, Jiangyong County has focused on providing socialized agricultural services, improving the mechanization and intelligence of agricultural production, and fully utilizing the advantages of agricultural plant protection drones that can replace manual sowing of seeds, fertilizers, and pesticide spraying. Local planting, grain planting, and technology demonstration households have been organized to participate in plant protection drone application training, and more than 200 drone “pilots” have been trained, providing technological “wings” for rural revitalization.

Zhou Runhong, Director of Jiangyong County Agricultural Machinery Affairs Center, stated that technology is the primary productive force and will continue to promote the integration and upgrading of new agricultural technologies and machinery, promote the efficient, automated, and green development of modern agricultural production, and enable plant protection drones to help “fly” rural revitalization.



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