High quality summer management for plant protection drones

In recent days, rice growers in the second management area of Qinglongshan Branch of Beidahuang Agriculture Co., Ltd. have utilized plant protection drones to carry out rice rejuvenation fertilization operations, which not only improves fertilization efficiency but also improves operation quality.

This year, the Qinglongshan Branch of Beidahuang Agriculture Co., Ltd. planted 391900 acres of rice. In order to improve rice yield and quality, the company organized growers to use drones to apply returning green fertilizer. Drone fertilization has advantages such as uniform fertilization, good controlled-release fertilizer effect, and low cost. It is reported that drone operations are not limited by farming modes and regions, and can greatly save labor, save agricultural investment costs, increase planting efficiency, reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides, and assist in upgrading rice production management.

In order to enable planters to make good use of plant protection drones, the branch conducts simulated fertilization operations and organizes planters to use them after passing the training, ensuring that plant protection technology is widely mastered by planters.



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